Dr. Frank’s research interests in motor cognition center around a perceptual-cognitive view on learning and coaching of motor actions by way of execution, imagery and observation.
Along these lines, our work in the CILIA-lab is related to the learning, coaching and development of human movement. In particular, we focus on action simulation through imagery and observation in real, augmented or virtual environments and its influence on human movement. The research conducted by members of the lab includes examining overt and covert changes related to the learning of motor actions that occur in the individual as well as during the interaction of the individual with other humans or robotic platforms.
Using (quasi)experimental designs, we track perceptual-cognitive and motor changes that occur during the acquisition of complex motor skills in order to draw conclusions about motor learning and motor development. In our research, we particularly focus on the development of perceptual-cognitive representations of motor actions and related aspects such as planning and attention. We examine related question in the lab as well as in applied settings, primarily in school-based physical education.
To help explore these topics, the lab is equipped with a state-of-the-art motion tracking system that allows precise measuring of kinematic parameters of human motion, a mobile eye tracking system which allows for measuring of eye movements and gaze behavior while moving, and head mounted displays for virtual reality.